I will list a few browsers for android that most peoples have talk and use it everyday.
first of all, we know that there are a lots of browser out there such as free and paid, some free browser include their ads in it, and other don't, some people choose to use paid browser because of ads-free and other think that is better then the free browser with many features. Well that depend.
Back to the topic, i will list a few ( free ) browser that you can try on and don't forget to put your rate on the topic above.
1: Firefox ( also known as Firebird )
Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation.
2: Chrome
Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google that uses the WebKit layout engine and application framework. It was first released.
3: Dolphin Browser HD & Mini
Dolphin Browser is a proprietary mobile browser for the Android operating system and iOS developed by Mobotap.
4: Boat Browser & Mini
Boat Browser is a simple, compact and efficient browsing tool.
5: Opera Mobile & Mini
Opera Mobile is a web browser for smartphones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) developed by the Opera Software company.
6: UC Browser & Mini
UC Browser (also known as UCWEB) is a web browser for mobile devices, such as mobile phones created UC Mobile, a Chinese software company headquartered in Guangzhou, and with offices in Wuhan, Beijing, Chengdu, People's Republic of China, and Gurgaon, India.